Sunday, December 18, 2011

Benefits Laughter for Healthy

Research workers have shown that laughter is good for physical condition. Laughter can relieve stress and stop nearly 70 varieties of diseases. Therefore, if you wish to be free from diseases, laugh!

Scientists from Oxford University believe the hysterical laughter releases endorphins which not just causes feelings of euphoria, and also reduces pain. This effect is produced when the air out of your lungs, laughing.

As evidence, the experiment have been conducted on two groups. The first group was asked to observe a funny video for quarter-hour and the next group was forced to watch boring programs dedicated to golf.

Apparently the volunteers found that people who was laughing, 10 percent better able to maintain pain. Before seeing the video, they might not refuse the pain better than the 2nd group of volunteers. Thus quoted from Genius Beauty.

This type of laughter also play a role. In addition, the scientists decided that the joke is simple in style comedy series better watch if you have to bear the pain.

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