Tuesday, December 27, 2011

9 Ways Hypertension Natural Remedies to Control High Blood Pressure

Remedies for Controlling High BP Naturally

1. You should quit smoking completely. Smoking damages veins and hardens the arteries. Someone that smokes is very likely to cardiovascular diseases and arteriosclerosis. Quite simply, blood pressure worsens with smoking.

2. You need to make an effort to shed some pounds. Most obese everyone has blood pressure. Obesity may be controlled by minimizing daily calories, avoiding chocolates and fatty unhealthy food, doing fat burning capacity free hand exercises daily.

3. Lowering of salt intake is effective in reducing blood pressure level. One must carefully read food labels and choose foods with low sodium content. It is advisable to not consume greater than 2000 milligrams of salt a treadmill teaspoon salt every day.

4. Fresh fruit and veggies ought to be included in diet. Meat consumption will be reduced. Food abundant with cholesterol and unhealthy fats needs to be strictly avoided. Cholesterol also brings about arteriosclerosis. Often high BP patients are motivated to take potassium-rich food products, for potassium regulates pressure effectively. Food products like watermelons, bananas, oranges, potato, spinach etc contain high amounts of potassium.

5. Caffeine causes increase in BP, and so it has to be checked. Coffee, tea, sodas rich in caffeine must be taken only in modest amounts.

6. Lowering stress can lower blood pressure level. Practicing yoga, breathing exercises, extra-curricular activities, listening to music can help to eliminate stress and invite one to be happy in life.

7. Training is needed for those with blood pressure. 30 minutes of work-out daily is extremely necessary. Aerobic exercises, brisk walks and jogging is possible

8. Consumption of alcohol should strictly be slashed down.

9. Drinking lots of water improves the circulation of blood to a large extent. You need to drink good volume of water allowing smooth flow of blood through veins. This lowers BP.

Source : ezinearticles

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